Work at The Rectory continues, and a bird watching haven?
We really are well into the New Year now and the days are starting to get longer – hopefully, spring is just around the corner. It is great to be woken up by the dawn chorus occasionally. We recently had a survey about the wildlife conducted and it revealed that we have over 50 bird species on the Estate.
Some notable species include buzzards, goldcrests, kestrels, lapwings, nuthatches, ravens, snipes, teals, treecreepers, and yellowhammers. The variety of these species shows just how diverse the area is with many different habitats.
We have recently added another bird table in the Parklands, and we are looking forward to taking part in the RSPB’s Big Garden Bird Watch which takes place on Sunday 27 January between 10am – 12noon. If you have a bit of time free, do come along and volunteer. Give Leanne, our Events Manager, a call on 01507 311 446 and help us count the birds we see. All are welcome to join us including families!