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One Year On… Exhibition, new recruits and familiar sights

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Week ending 4th May

A super week with the One Year On exhibition at the Old School being really well attended. People generally enjoyed seeing the plans and outlines for progression forward and appreciated being kept in the loop. The event gave everyone chance to come along and have their say and we were interested in everyone’s opinion whether positive or negative and open to suggestions and ideas.

The Old School had been spruced up a bit and Craig had cut the grass. The display boards looked good and were very informative and Jacqui was on hand to welcome everyone with a cuppa.

The Marketing Team (Purple Robot) and our own Brand Team (Jackie, Leanne and Joe) were on hand to discuss elements of the estate along with Coral who looks after bringing in new business. There were representatives from both teams of architects –Marcus Beale and Takero Shimazaki.

Locals particularly enjoyed meeting Mr Paul Barnes who recently joined us as Estate Manager.

Paul is a local chap himself, who comes from a farming background. Born in Louth and currently living in Horncastle, he hopes soon to find a place here living on the estate. He is a family man and he and his wife Jo, have two smashing children, the eldest of which is soon to start school. His long standing family involvement in this area and previous position over at Serlby means that Paul already knows many of the people who he comes into contact with at South Ormsby.

Paul will look after all aspects of running the estate from farming to tenancy. He has experience with both arable and livestock farming and has worked on local estates as well as in Norfolk. He is proud to still own milk bottles stamped with the Barnes Bros Dairies logo from his grandparent’s dairy farming days. His mantra is a quote from Darwin;

‘It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, it is the one most adaptable to change.’


Spring is truly here despite the mixed weather. The flora and fauna are really coming to life and it is great to see colour and greenery all around us. The estate is abundant with wild garlic, blue bells, white bells, cowslips and other pretty flowers we are unsure of the names of! The beautiful cherry blossom tree up at the Church is quite spectacular.

Birds, bees and butterflies are out there proving spring has finally sprung. In fact several unusual species of bird have been sighted including red kites, reed buntings and black caps as well as our usual friend’s geese, buzzards, pheasants, partridges. The regulars still entertain us (geese, buzzards, pheasants, partridges and a busy bird feeding station). The Jackdaw’s bird nest from previous years was less impressive though as it was blocking the Morning Room chimney!

The guys from the RSBT came back to revisit the nesting boxes they had put up last year. It would be great to think some owls might be nesting with us!


Explore South Ormsby

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