The South Ormsby Estate is working to create a brighter future for the local area by supporting the growth of a modern and dynamic rural economy while enhancing the natural beauty and character of the estate.
Our vision aims to make this historic country estate a better place to live, work, learn and play.
Renovations, sustainable development and business support are the foundations of our ambitious plans for the estate’s future.
The estate is working to promote entrepreneurship, support agricultural diversification, establish new micro-businesses and deliver new opportunities for self-employment and home working.
With world-class architects, conservationists and designers, we’ll bring new community facilities, office space, business units, high-quality homes and visitor accommodation to the area.
Conserving the peace and tranquillity of the area as well as its biodiversity and beauty is a priority and the plans will help people to explore and appreciate the stunning landscape in new ways.
The South Ormsby Estate is invested in the long-term future of this area and we truly value the thoughts and feedback of our communities and friends.
Update on South Ormsby Hall & Parklands - March 2020
In March 2019, the Estate held a public exhibition on plans for South Ormsby’s Hall and Parkland at the Old School building. At the event, we showed proposals to sensitively restore the Hall and Parkland, securing the long-term future of the historic assets.
These proposals include change of use of the Hall and conversion of the Stables, to holiday accommodation; as well as restoration of the garden and landscape around the Hall. The restoration of the Hall will remove it from Historic England’s “Building at Risk Register”. For the first time in the building’s history, the doors to the Hall will be open for all, with access to the principal rooms.
The exhibition was well attended by the local community and we were pleased to receive positive feedback on the principle of the development and the benefits that they will bring for the local community.
In consultation with the Council, we have spent the last year ensuring that we finalise a sensitive design proposal and we are now preparing to submit a planning application.
Once submitted and validated, the application and plans will be displayed on the Council’s website. You will also be able to make formal comments on the application directly to officers via the Council’s online planning system.

A working countryside
We want to create jobs that help people to live and work in this beautiful environment, with thriving businesses and a diverse local economy.
The South Ormsby Estate currently contributes £1.92 million to the local economy each year and there are 38 full-time jobs on the estate. We aim to increase this to £5 million, with the equivalent of 126 full-time jobs.
We are promoting innovation and productivity through skills training, business support and by creating versatile employment spaces.

A resilient environment
Set within the East Midlands’ only Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, conserving the peace and tranquillity of the area, its ecosystem and beauty is a priority for the South Ormsby Estate.
We’re passionate about conservation and we’re enhancing habitats for the estate’s wide range of species through carefully designed developments and an estate-wide biodiversity plan.
Renewable energy, water conservation and energy efficiency schemes will be implemented and our plans will see tens of thousands of trees and hedges planted across the estate.
Our vision is for an environmentally sustainable development that has long-lasting benefits for the local environment.

A healthy place
We’re passionate about helping people to live a healthy and active lifestyle. By opening up the estate’s 3,000 acres of beautiful countryside, we hope to help people walk, cycle and live healthier lives.
Government figures show that East Lindsey has lower average life expectancy, higher levels of childhood and adult obesity and more early deaths as a result of cardiovascular diseases.
We want to change this by improving cycling routes and facilities, opening up public bridleways and footpaths, creating community meeting places that are accessible by foot and hosting events such as walking festivals to encourage more active lifestyles.

A cohesive community
We’re working to build a strong community with a high quality of life and an increased sense of wellbeing.
We’re creating places for people to meet, learn, socialise and pursue their interests and passions. A new heritage centre will be a key leisure facility and we’ll be hosting activities including walking festivals, workshops and arts events.
To support the economy and attract more young people to the area, a limited number of new homes will be built as and when they’re needed. Designed by leading architects and planners, we’re ensuring these will contribute to the community, its atmosphere and aesthetics.

A living landscape
For centuries, human activity and the natural environment have interacted to create a stunning landscape, but recent decades of declining local population, changing farming practices and a lack of capital investment have weakened the area’s beauty and character.
We want to regenerate the area by creating employment opportunities and supporting the re-growth of a diverse and thriving community with more people making a living by working in the area instead of elsewhere.
New development will be sensitively designed and located to enhance the existing character of the estate and we’re conserving, protecting and restoring our important heritage assets.