A Week on the Estate: Autumn Arrives, Organic September & Mixologists Wanted
Meteorological autumn is here and the equinox is only three weeks away. Low pressure takes charge of next week’s weather, with highs of 24C, lows of 11C and a potentially useful smattering of rainfall. The nights are discernibly closing in and the mornings have a mellow, autumnal feel, particularly compared to the harsh heatwaves of July and August. We shouldn’t be deceived by the crisp, bronzed leaf litter here and there, however; this is a legacy of trees defending themselves against summer’s extremes of heat and aridity.
It’s been a challenging summer out on the land but the last load from Harvest 2022 has been safely delivered. We’re grateful to the harvest team for their hard work and valuable skills. Throughout 2022, we’ve been in-conversion to organic status and we’ve learned a lot. We’re looking forward to being officially organic for our arable produce and livestock from 2023 onwards.
This month is Organic September and we’re proud to put the principles of sustainable agriculture into practice. We believe agriculture shouldn’t be a zero-sum proposition, and that both arable and livestock farming must respect nature and enhance the health of the rural landscape, from the air we breathe to the water that irrigates our crops and the soil biome beneath our wellies.