A Week on the Estate: Soft Fruit, Red Kites & Summer Solstice
We’re well into summer and the growing season is going nicely, boosted by a useful amount of rain. This weekend will bring the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere. We can expect 16 hours and 30 minutes of daylight on the longest day. Six months on, that will be down to about 7 hours and 50 minutes. Looking around the estate this week, it’s hard to believe how cold, dark and thoroughly wet it was last winter.
In the Walled Garden, abundant rain after a sunny spring has allowed our cherries, pears, apples, plums and damsons to thrive. Elsewhere, the news is a little less bright. One of our ash plantations is showing clear signs of ash dieback. Even at this late stage in the growing season, there is little sign of new growth.